Now you can easily take credit card payments via your website. Customers can just go to the Pay page on your website via their computer or mobile phone and securely give you money. You can include the payment page link on all your invoices and statements. It is also fantastic for debt collecting, “ask us about this one”.

We have a transparent approach to all of our services. Get in touch if you have any more questions or would like to kick off a campaign.
What's involved
We setup an account with Stripe Payments and link it to your website. Money is added to your current account in 7 days, after 60-90 days of processing payments, you can choose to move to a 3 day payout.
What does Stripe charge
There are no recurring charges with Stripe (those Tipperary brothers did a great job with this). The fee is based on the transaction.
- Standard European cards (most cards, including American Express) are 1.5% + €0.25.
- Premium European cards (commercial Visa/Mastercard) are 1.9% + €0.25.
- International cards (issued outside of Europe and the UK) are 3.25% + €0.25.
- UK cards are 2.5% + €0.25.
It is one of the best value solutions on the market.
What we charge
Create a Pay page on your website (once off) | €199 |
Go to the menu and choose Pay or else click on
The small print
The Customer stays within your website when making their payment to you. We do not get a referral fee, I wish we did. All prices exclude VAT. Stripe Payments is SCA compliant (Strong Customer Authentication). If you are not hosting your website with us, we will have to see does your existing hosting support taking payments.
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Europe’s leading manufacturer of High-pressure cleaners, industrial vacuum cleaners and hand power sweepers.

Give us a call on 0818 445566 or book a video call with Finbarr or Stephen.